You are signed up 🙂

1. Check your inbox for info & the link

In the next 5-10 minutes, a confirmation email should arrive to your email. If you can´t find it, check your “SPAM” and “OFFERS” folder.

Make sure that my next emails will end in your inbox by moving this email to INBOX…. or add my address to trusted list ….

Mark it as SAFE email in order to get also in the future the emails.

2. Add to calendar

This webinar will be only once (no recordings or replies) and you don´t want to be even late. Make sure you mark it your calendar.

3. Share the event

If you know other Tekla users who may benefit from this webinar and info, do them a favor and share this event with them.

I´m sure, they will thank you later and I will show my appreciation by…

4. Prepare

Take 5 min and think for a second what mistakes you have seen in Tekla models the most often. Write them down. 

Let´s see if I will cover these mistakes during the webinar or you can ask about them in the end of the webinar.